The dreaded Swiss hand-over of the apartment

The dreaded Swiss handover
How clean does a flat need to be? Is your idea of clean the same as the landlord’s?
Well, in Central Switzerland it needs to be more than “broom clean” or “swept clean”.
Some companies provide the tenants, out of goodwill, with a checklist for what needs to be cleaned after they have given notice. If you haven´t received one, please see our list to meet Swiss standards:
Clean in Kitchen / Dinning / Living room
Floors, walls, tiles, doors and doorframes, window panes, window frames, window blinds (or shutters), handles, cupboards, shelves, chrome fittings, taps – descale & replace seals (if necessary), drains (unclog if blocked)
Dishwasher, Fridge & Freezer (exchange broken or missing plastic parts), oven (replace baking trays if burned otherwise clean them only), cooking stove, extractor fan (if possible wash filters in dishwasher), Light fittings, electric switches
Clean Bathroom(s) - change shower head if needed, remove scale, change filters etc.
Floors, walls, tiles, air vents (replace filters) , toilet (descale and exchange seat / lid if broken ) doors, handles, window frames, window panes, cupboards, shelves, shower and bath tub including drains, shower hose and shower head - descale, sink including drain, taps – descale & replace seals (if necessary), lights, electric switches
Washing machine / tumbler dryer – no leftovers of soap or washing powder, filters cleaned
Corridor, Walls, floor, electric switches, lights, wardrobe, main entry door
Cellar / Attic / Garage – swept clean
Letter box – wiped
Are keys to any of the doors missing?
Have the holes left in the walls by pictures been filled in?
If you decide to hire a cleaning company, please remember to obtain a written offer with a fixed price, payable upon successful handover of the apartment. A professional cleaning company comes to see your place before submitting an offer.
If the firm doesn’t clean well enough it is the renter’s responsibility, not the landlord’s.
Not all landlords abide by Swiss housing law. Anyone can become a letting agent or let a home. Some landlords seek professional legal advice to ensure they are compliant; others unfortunately ignore renting regulations.
Tips to avoid lengthy discussions with a landlord or management company:
When you move out or in, it is important that you personally attend the inventory check in short-term lets (temporary accommodation) or the handover of the long-term lets (permanent accommodation).If your travel schedule doesn´t allow you to be there, experienced EasyRelocation consultants will help you.
Handover report is produced to aid any discussion regarding the return of your deposit.
Return the keys in exchange for a receipt or signed handover report.
Don´t sign any general statement on the protocol such as: «Der Mieter anerkennt die aufgeführten Schäden und verpflichtet sich, die Reparaturkosten zu übernehmen.»
If maintenance or repair is unavoidable, an estate agent has to calculate the costs. Please, contact your liability insurance immediately to report the case
If you have any questions or you need some support, please don´t hesitate to contact us.