Washer, dryer or dishwasher need to be fixed. Who´s responsibility is to pay for the repairs?

As soon as a specialist is required for the repair, it no longer falls under this category and the landlord has to pay.
A clause in rental contract that says you must pay for repairs that are less than 1% of your rent is not binding under Swiss law.
By law you are responsible for small repairs and maintenance up to CHF 150- CHF 200 per case. These are the kind of things that a normal person (not specialist) can take care of, such us exchanging filters, replacing a shower hose, sanitary fittings must be decalcified if necessary, clogged drains are to be cleaned etc.
Remember! Unless it´s an emergency case, first take a contact with your landlord to inform him in writen about the problem(s) you have with appliances.
(Source Mieterverband.ch)